In Poker, there are many strategies that help players gain an edge over their opponents. Some of these approaches are ethical, while others ride the fine line of gamesmanship. One such practice that sparks a mix of opinions is bum hunting.
In this article, we will explore what bum hunting is and how it affects the Poker ecosystem.
What Is Bum Hunting?
In poker, a bum hunter is a player who deliberately seeks out weak competition to play against, avoiding games with equally skilled or stronger opponents. The term is most commonly used in the context of online Poker, where players can easily select tables with weaker players rather than joining random games. These players tend to wait for known recreational players (often the weaker ones) to sit at a table and then join in to exploit their lack of skill.
While playing against weaker opponents is a logical way to improve one’s win rate, bum hunters take it to the extreme by selectively targeting only those they believe they can beat with minimal effort. They refuse to play against other regulars or professionals and may even leave a table if a strong opponent sits down.
How Bum Hunting Works
Here’s a detailed breakdown of the methods used by bum hunters:
Table Selection Strategy
Bum hunters invest a good amount of time and effort into finding tables that contain weaker players. This is especially easy in online poker, where players can view a lobby with multiple tables, along with information like stack sizes, average pot size, and the number of hands being played per hour.
- Online Poker: Players use table stats to identify soft tables. Tables with a higher average pot size or lower pre-flop aggression may indicate the presence of weaker players.
- Live Poker: In live settings, bum hunters might frequent gaming rooms where recreational players are known to play, often avoiding the competitive, tougher games unless they are guaranteed weaker opponents.
Identifying Weak Players
Weak players, often called ‘fish’, display a set of common behaviors that bum hunters exploit:
- Loose, Passive Play: Recreational players often call too much, rarely raise, and play too many hands pre-flop, which results in weaker ranges.
- Overvaluing Hands: Many fish will overvalue hands like top pair or weak two pairs, which makes them easy targets for more experienced players.
- Poor Bet Sizing: Recreational players often make non-standard bets (too large or too small relative to the pot), which are easy to exploit.
- Predictable Betting Patterns: They may follow a predictable betting pattern of calling down with weak hands and betting only when they have very strong hands.
Bum hunters often move from table to table in search of the most profitable games. In online Poker, this means frequently checking the lobby for soft tables, while in live poker, it involves moving around different rooms or games in a casino.
- Online Bum Hunters: They often ‘table hop’ after noticing that the weaker player has left. If the fish busts out, they may leave the table right away to find another where a recreational player is sitting.
- Live Bum Hunters: In live settings, bum hunters may simply leave a gaming room once their targeted weaker player has left. They have no interest in playing with strong players or engaging in difficult games.
Lobby Monitoring and Waiting
Online Poker bum hunters spend a lot of time monitoring the lobby and waiting for tables with weak players to open up. They may wait for hours for a specific recreational player to sit down. Some use player tracking software to tag players as ‘fish’ or ‘recreational’, so they know when that player is seated.
- Waitlists: Bum hunters may join long waitlists at soft tables if they know a weak player is seated, willing to wait for their turn to sit at that table.
- Stalking Specific Players: Certain bum hunters might follow known weak players around different games or limits. This is particularly common in high-stakes games where the pool of weak players is smaller, and their presence is more noticeable.
In online Poker, game-sitting refers to the practice of sitting at a table without playing until a weak player joins. Bum hunters will often join tables and remain inactive (or sit out) until a fish sits down. Once the weak player joins, they begin to actively play, but may immediately leave or sit out again once that player leaves.
- Isolating the Fish: When the weaker player does join, bum hunters will try to isolate them by raising or reraising when they are in the pot. This forces other regulars out of the hand, allowing the bum hunter to play heads-up against the weaker player.
- Maximizing Playtime Against Weak Players: Bum hunters aim to play as many hands as possible against weak opponents in short periods. If multiple strong players join the table, they may leave and look for a more favorable setup elsewhere.
Avoiding Regulars and Strong Players
Bum hunters avoid playing against strong, experienced players or regulars. Regulars are often tagged or noted based on their playing style, and bum hunters will actively avoid games with more than one or two strong players.
- Avoiding Reg Wars: A ‘reg war’ occurs when two or more experienced players end up at the same table and try to outplay each other. Bum hunters stay away from such games, as their edge is greatly reduced.
- Avoiding 3-bets from Regulars: In situations where a regular is in the pot, bum hunters are more cautious with 3-betting (re-raising). They know that regulars play aggressively and strategically, making it harder to profit from such situations.
Is Bum Hunting Fair?
While hunting bums may seem like a smart and strategic move, it is also the source of controversy within the poker community. Here are some of the key points of debate:
- Unfair to Recreational Players: Recreational players are essential to the poker ecosystem, as they inject money into the games. However, when these players are constantly targeted by more skilled opponents, it can lead to a poor experience for them. If they continually lose, they may quit playing altogether, which can hurt the long-term sustainability of poker.
- Limited Game Development: Poker is a game of constant learning and improvement. By only playing against weaker opponents, bum hunters may stunt their own growth as players. Avoiding stronger competition means they are not pushing themselves to improve, which could ultimately limit their potential as a poker player.
- Unregulated Advantage: Online poker platforms have tried to address bum hunting by implementing rules or systems that prevent players from constantly targeting the same weak opponents. However, these measures are not always perfect, and some players find ways to exploit the system to continue bum hunting. This creates an uneven playing field, especially for those who don't engage in this practice.
Should Bum Hunting Be Banned?
The question of whether hunting bums should be banned or regulated is a divisive one. Some argue that it is simply part of the game, and players should be free to choose their opponents. After all, Poker is about making smart decisions, and avoiding stronger players can be seen as a sound strategy. On the other hand, there are growing calls for Poker sites to take more action against bum hunting to protect the integrity of the game and provide a better experience for recreational players.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is bum hunting in Poker?
Bum hunting refers to the practice of targeting weaker, inexperienced players (often called ‘fish’) in poker games. Skilled players intentionally seek out and play against these opponents to maximize their chances of winning. This practice is more common in online Poker, where players can choose their tables and opponents more easily.
Is bum hunting illegal in Poker?
Bum hunting is not technically illegal, but many online Poker platforms discourage or regulate it. Some sites implement anonymous tables to prevent players from constantly targeting weaker opponents. While not against the rules, bum hunting is often viewed as unethical by many in the Poker community.
Does bum hunting hurt the Poker community?
Yes, bum hunting can hurt the Poker community by discouraging recreational players, who are vital for keeping games active. If these players have consistently negative experiences, they may quit poker altogether. This reduces the player pool and negatively impacts the game's long-term sustainability, especially for online platforms.
Bum hunting in Poker raises important questions about the balance between maximizing profits and maintaining fairness within the game. While some see it as a legitimate strategy, others argue that it undermines the very essence of poker. As the debate surrounding bum hunting continues, it is essential for players to cultivate an environment that values fair play and inclusivity.