What is Pot limit Omaha?
As the name suggests, PLO or Pot Limit Omaha is a poker variant with a limited pot size. PLO is further divided into PLO4, PLO5, and PLO6. The bifurcation is based on the number of hole cards you will get.
PLO and PLO4 are interchangeable, where you get four-hole cards. In PLO 5 and PLO 6, you get five and 6-hole cards, respectively. Pot limit is also played with a limited pot size; this means you cannot bet more than the pre-determined pot amount.
Main Differences Between Omaha Poker and Texas Hold'em
The main difference between Omaha and Texas Holdem is the number of hole cards. In Texas Holdem, you get two hole cards and five community cards. You use them to make the best 5-card hand possible. In Omaha, you get four hole cards and five community cards and make the best 5-card hand possible.
The Action Preflop
The small blind and the big blind place their bets to start the game. The dealer deals four cards facing down to each player. The person sitting left of the big blind, Under the Gun, begins the game. The action continues in a clockwise direction until it reaches the big blind. Here are all the actions every player has:
- Call: Matching the previous bet.
- Raise: Increase the bet.
- Fold: Quitting the hand.
Hands Strength
The poker hand ranking in PLO is similar to the Holdem, but the strength of the same can differ due to different game structures. Here are the common hand rankings in PLO from strongest to weakest:
- Royal Flush: A, K, Q, J, 10 of the same suit.
- Straight Flush: Five consecutive cards from the same suit.
- Four of a Kind: Four cards of the same ranks.
- Full House: Three of a kind and a pair.
- Flush: Five cards from the same suit, not necessarily in a sequence.
- Straight: Five cards in a sequential order.
- Three of a kind: Three cards of the same rank.
- Two Pair: Two different pairs of cards.
- Pair: Two cards of the same rank.
- High Card: The highest value card in your hand.
The Betting Structure
Here are the different types of betting in Pot Limit Omaha:
- Pot Limit: As the name suggests, the maximum amount of money you can bet equals the sum of chips in the pot.
- Fixed Limit: You can only raise the pot a maximum of four times. Bet and raise is equal to the blind size.
- No Limit: You can bet and raise as much as you want.
How to Play Pot Limit Omaha
Here’s a step by steps to play Pot Limit Omaha:
- The game begins with two players posting blinds to make an initial pot. The small blind is a player sitting immediately to the dealer's left, usually the minimum bet for the round. The big blind is twice the size of the small blind.
- The dealer then deals the four cards facing down to each player.
- The player sitting left of the big blind starts the game; they can call, raise, or fold.
- Three community cards are dealt face-up in the Flop. Then, the second round of betting starts, and players can call, raise, or fold again.
- The fourth community card is dealt with, and another betting round begins.
- The fifth community card is dealt in the River, and the final betting round begins.
- In the showdown, players show their hand and the best 5-card hand wins and takes the pot.
Betting Actions
Here are the common betting actions in pot-limit Omaha:
To skip your turn. You can choose not to play in a particular round.
Increasing the previous bet. You can raise the bet amount based on your cards.
Quitting the hand.
Putting all your chips in the pot.
Betting Rounds
Here’s the betting round in pot-limit Omaha:
Pre Flop
In the pre-flop round, the small blind and the big blind put their share of the money and start the pot. After that, the dealer deals 4 cards each to players.
In the flop, the first three community cards are dealt face-up. And the first betting round takes place.
The fourth community is dealt with face-up. And the next betting round takes place.
The final community card is dealt face-up, and the final betting round occurs.
All the player show their hands, and the best 5-card hand wins.
Pot Limit Omaha Rules
Here are some rules of Pot Limit Omaha:
- First and foremost, you can use only two out of four hole cards to make your hand.
- Before the game begins, the small blind and the big blinds will put linds to create the pot. The big blind is double the amount of small blinds.
- The game has a betting limit. You can bet up to the pot amount.
- You should know the pot odds and the odds of making hands. This will help you decide on the action.
- You should also learn about the position you are playing from. This can help you make strategies and win the pot.
Pot Limit Omaha Variant
Here are some variations of Pot Limit Omaha:
- Omaha Hi: The highest five-card hand wins the pot.
- Fixed Limit: You can only raise the pot four times, and the bet and raise must equal the blinds.
- Omaha Hi/Low: The pot is split between the highest and lowest five-card hands.
Best Starting Hands in Pot-Limit Omaha Poker
Here are the top 30 best-starting hands in Pot-Limit Omaha:
1. A-A-K-K |
11. K-Q-J-T |
21. Q-Q-A-K |
2. A-A-J-T |
12. K-K-T-T |
22. Q-Q-A-J |
3. A-A-Q-Q |
13. K-K-A-Q |
23. Q-Q-A-T |
4. A-A-J-J |
14. K-K-A-J |
24. Q-Q-K-J |
5. A-A-T-T |
15. K-K-A-T |
25. Q-Q-K-T |
6. A-A-9-9 |
16. K-K-Q-J |
26. Q-Q-J-T |
7. A-A-x-x |
17. K-K-Q-T |
27. Q-Q-J-9 |
8. J-T-9-8 |
18. K-K-J-T |
28. Q-Q-9-9 |
9. K-K-Q-Q |
19. Q-Q-J-J |
29. J-J-T-T |
10. K-K-J-J |
20. Q-Q-T-T |
30. J-J-T-9 |
Pot-Limit Omaha Strategy
Here are some strategies that can help you win Pot Limit Omaha:
- Learn the hand rankings. Although the hand ranking is somewhat the same, the strength of these hands may differ.
- Understand the table position. Learn the position you and your opponents are playing from.
- Learn to manage the pot and bet size. This will help you minimise the losses.
- Know when to play aggressively and when to leave the table.
- Pay attention to your opponents’s gameplay. This may help you strategise your game.
- Learn to bluff. Bluffing can help you win the pot.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is pot limit Omaha popular?
Pot-limit Omaha is popular because it is easy to play and allows players to play with more hole cards.
What is the best hand-in-pot limit Omaha?
AAKK double-suited is the best hand-in-pot limit Omaha.
Pot-limit Omaha is a strategic variant of poker that offers a unique blend of complexity and fun. If you are new to the game, learn the nitty-gritty first and then practice with your friends. The increased number of hole cards adds complexity to the game.