Similar to PLO, Omaha Hi-Lo also has a huge number of starting hand combinations. But being a split pot game where a player's intention is to make a good high as well as a good low hand, thus some of the best decisions in this game are made pre-flop. The best hands in Omaha Hi-Lo can help win a player both the high as well as the low hand.
Premium Starting Hands
- A-A-2-x
- A-A-3-x
- A-2-3-x
- A-2-4-x
- A-2-x-x
- A-3-4-x
- A-A-x-x
Top 10 Starting Hands in Omaha High-Low
Below hands are acknowledged as the best hands in Omaha Hi-Lo for winning the game:
- A-A-2-3 Double Suited
- A-A-2-4 Double Suited
- A-A-2-3 Single Suited
- A-A-2-5 Double Suited
- A-A-2-4 Single Suited
- A-A-3-4 Double Suited
- A-A-2-3 Non-suited
- A-A-2-2 Double Suited
- A-A-3-5 Double Suited
- A-A-2-6 Double Suited
Double Suited (DS) :- Four hole cards consisting of two sets of suited cards e.g. 4,5 of Heart and 7 and 9 of Spade.
Suited - Combination of cards of same suit e.g. - all Spades.
Non-Suited (NS) - Combination of cards of different suit e.g. - 3 of Spade, 5 of Heart, 6 of Club, A of Diamond
Single Suited (SS) - Combination of cards with one pair of same suit e.g.- A and 3 of Heart, 9 of Club, J of Diamond
Playable Starting Hands
A-A-2-x |
A-A-3-x |
A-A-4-5 |
A-2-3-x |
A-2-K-K |
A-2-Q-Q |
A-2-J-J |
A-3-4-5 |
A-A-x-x |
A-2-K-Q |
A-2-K-J |
A-2-x-x (Suited ace) |
A-3-K-K |
A-3-4-x |
2-3-4-5 (Fold if there is no ace on the flop) |
J-Q-K-A |
10-J-Q-K |
K-K-Q-J |
Q-J-10-9 |
2-3-4-x (Fold if there is no ace on the flop) |