We get instant relief or happiness whenever we see Ten Nine suited. The cards give us a broad smile, thinking you can make a straight and win the pot. But what happens if you miss the flop? Will you bet, raise, or fold? How will you react if your opponent keeps raising before or after the flop?
Don’t worry. This guide will answer all your questions, and at the end, we will also give you some tips to improve your game.
The article aims to explain how the Ten Nine is suited and how to play it correctly to win.
How to Play Ten-Nine Suited (T9s) Preflop
If you are playing a 6-player game, you can raise from any position at the table. If you are playing a 9-player game, you can raise only from the UTG2 position; however, if the table is easy, you can also raise from the UTG and UTG1.
Against a Raise
- T9s is a strong hand with which to raise a 3-bet. You can call only if you are a big blind or on the button. Now the question is when to 3-bet. You can 3bet if the raise came from the cutoff and you are not in a blind position. However, if the raise has come from any other position, T9s is too weak to 3-bet.
- If the raise has come from the cutoff or button, you can raise it from the small blind. If you are a big blind, you can mix between calling and 3-betting based on the raiser’s position:
- Call against lowjack and 3-bet about 25% of the time.
- Against the middle position and cut-off, you can mix equally between calling and 3-betting.
- Bet against the button.
Against a 3-Bet
- Here is when to call or fold against a 3-bet:
- In a low-stakes game, you can sometimes call and fold when you are not in position against a 3-bet.
- If you are out of position, you can mix calling and folding.
- If you are facing a 3-bet from a big blind, you should always call, especially if you are a small blind.
- You should always call if you raise from the cutoff or button and someone reraises.
Against a 4-Bet
When you face a 4-bet, you can choose a mix of call and folding. T9s is a good hand to call against a 4-bet. The hand is good for playing post-flop. However, if your opponent is a very tight 4-bet player, it’s better to fold your cards.
Tips for Playing Ten-Nine Suited When You Miss the Flop
Here are some tips for playing T9s when you miss the flop:
- If you have raised before the flop and the flop draws 7-8-A, you can try betting and raising, as you only need 6 to make a straight.
- If the flop draws 5- 7-J, you should still bet. Although your chances are low, you can still improve your hand.
- If your opponents raised and you raised back and the flop has 2-4-K, you can still bet a small amount because your position is strong.
- If the flop draws 4-5-6, it is low and connected; check instead of bet.
- Use your position to your advantage. If you are the last to act, you can use it to make your opponent fold.
- Analyse your opponent’s move. If they fold frequently, you can bluff more often; if they call frequently, you should be careful.
Tips for Playing When You Hit the Flop
Here are some tips for playing when you hit the flop:
- If you have a strong hand on the flop, don’t slow pay or bluff; just bet or raise aggressively. This will help increase the pot value and even make weaker hands fold.
- If you have a decent hand, check instead of bet or raise. For example, if you raised before the flop and the flop has J-9-3, you have a pair. It is a good hand but not a stronger one.
- If the flop has T-5-2, you have a top pair with the Ten. It would be best if you bet big to make weaker hands fold.
- If the board has potential straights of flushes, be cautious. Even if you have a good hand, your opponents might have a stronger hand.
- Always take advantage of your position. If you are the last to act, you can bet when you have strong hands and check when unsure.
As mentioned above, Ten-Nine suited is a great hand, provided you know how to play with it. Don’t waste time playing small hands if you have a stronger hand. Betting can make weaker hands fold and increase the pot value. You can learn more by practising. So, call your friends and family and join them for a hand or two. Practice can help you improve your gameplay and help you come up with new strategies.